Mesothelioma cancer, Prostate cancer treatment, Cancer Articles, breast cancer treatment: Dr. Keller Treats People With Aids, Cancer And Auto-Immune Disorders

Senin, 09 Maret 2009

Dr. Keller Treats People With Aids, Cancer And Auto-Immune Disorders

Dear Reader,

You certainly know all about inflammation. When you twist your ankle and it swells up to twice its size…that’s inflammation. You also probably know that when you get a headache or strain your back, inflammation is the source of the pain you feel. And, if you’ve read up on health conditions, you may also be aware that inflammation is part of a heart attack.

These types of inflammation that we’re all familiar with are associated with illnesses or injuries. But chances are you are not aware of a very significant inflammatory reaction - one that profoundly affects your health every day of your life and is not caused by illness or injury. I’m talking about inflammation at the cellular level, which is a normal process within the body.

To understand this kind of inflammation, it’s helpful to think about the trillions of cells in your body as tiny ‘power plants’, each working to maximum capacity to produce the energy to live a healthy life. This energy is generated in a complex chemical process which is involved in ‘Oxidation’ - or the process of other chemicals bonding with oxygen.

We all know that we need oxygen. Oxygen is essential to life on earth. The reason it is essential, ironically, is that it can also be ultimately dangerous and destructive. Oxygen is a highly unstable, highly reactive substance. All kinds of materials, when exposed to oxygen, will break down the bonds they have and form new bonds.

This process - Oxidation - releases a great deal of energy, but it also produces multiple waste products.

You’ve seen oxidation hundreds of times. It’s one of the most common and powerful chemical reactions on earth. Oxidation is what happens when you leave an iron pipe out in the rain and later you see it has rusted. It’s also what happens in your fireplace. You see a log consumed in flames and think about the soothing warmth and the bright light it produces. Now, think about all the ashes that are also left behind.

In your body, something very similar happens within your cells. Energy (like the heat and light in your fireplace) is produced by the cell’s oxidative reactions, but so is a ‘pile of ashes,’ so to speak. The waste products left behind are called oxidants. In many cases, they themselves can be corrosive and destructive - like the rust on that pipe I mentioned earlier. Even oxidants that are -not in and of themselves- harmful, they can really clog up the works in your cells, making cells less efficient and less able to produce energy. And because oxidation takes place wherever oxygen is present…not just in your cells…your body is under attack from without as well as within…from pollutants, food additives and other substances that can cause oxidative damage to the cells.

But as we all know, the body is amazing self-correcting system, so of course there are natural processes in place to combat the damage oxidation does. That’s where inflammation comes in. Inflammation is the natural result of a cascade of biochemical processes and reactions, the purpose of which is to undo the damage done by oxidation in the cell.

The bad news is, these processes are neither efficient nor effective. In point of fact, this cellular inflammation - which you can neither see nor feel - is at the source of many aspects of poor health. As a matter of fact, this inflammation response is the very core of the aging process.

Inflammation causes cells to function poorly, and ultimately, these inefficient cells die. Body systems deteriorate, and health challenges result. It sounds hopeless, but it’s not.

There ARE effective antioxidants, and they don’t all come in pills or juices. These antioxidants clean out the waste products caused by oxidation, so that oxidative damage is minimized and cells continue to function effectively. So with minimized cellular inflammation, cell death is greatly reduced and our body is able to maintain good health. And, it just so happens that the very BEST antioxidant is naturally produced by your body.

This antioxidant is called glutathione. It is a tri-peptide - a chain of three amino acids – and, it is tremendously effective at cleaning up after the oxidative process. When adequate glutathione is available to a cell, there is virtually no oxidative damage and that whole inflammation cascade simply never occurs.

But here’s the problem: Your body becomes less capable of producing glutathione as we age. And, to make matters worse, your body is not selective about where it uses the glutathione it has. So you may use up all your glutathione doing minor repairs in one body system, while you have another system at risk of failure. It’s like using all the water you have on your front lawn while you’ve have a forest fire threatening your house.

So…what can you do about all this? Why not take glutathione in a supplement? Unfortunately, that doesn’t really work. Remember - Glutathione is a string of 3 amino acids. And, your digestive system was designed specifically to break up strings of amino acids. Plus, even if the glutathione molecule could reach your cells intact, it’s too big and heavy to get through. That’s why we developed MaxGXL.

MaxGXL is not a glutathione supplement, it is a supplement that provides the raw materials and stimulates your body to produce glutathione. It is the only one of it’s kind, and is patented.

The ingredients in MaxGXL are encapsulated so that they will be protected from the stomach acids until they are absorbed into the bloodstream so that they can reach your cells. And, we know it works because we’ve tested glutathione levels in test subjects before and after they’ve taken MaxGXL.

This is not the latest fad or just one more take on antioxidants. This is a real, tried and effective way to manage the aging process at its source. As a doctor, I can tell you all sorts of things you should do that would be good for you, and all kinds of things you should avoid because they are bad for you.

But MaxGXL is an essential component which I recommend for everyone. I tell you without qualification, that you NEED to fight the cellular inflammation and oxidation response, in order to keep your cells healthy and to effectively retard the aging process.

Dr. Keller’s recent study was released on July 16th, 2008 when he reported these amazing results to the American Medical Association of Anti-Aging

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